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Yugioh Master Duel – Meta Deck Guide – Lyrilusc Tri-Brigade

Learn how to play one of the best decks in Master Duel

Updated: Nov 10, 2022 12:05 pm
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The Yugioh Master Duel meta is a diverse one currently. But for those who want to get to the top ranks of competitive play with no experience, it can be difficult. Well don’t worry, these guides will take you through Master Duels best decks, their goals, combos, and what you should be seeing at the end of your turns.

The type of card in a deck will be broken down into a few categories:

Searcher – This card lets you search your deck for another card

Extender – This card will special summon itself or another card

Starter – A card that will begin your combo

Interrupter – A card that allows for interaction on your opponent’s turn, be this negate, destroy, or return a card to the hand.

Finisher – A card intended to finish up games by attacking

“Bird Up”

A hybrid of two archetypes, Tri-Brigade and Lyrilusc. Currently shredding through the Master Duel Meta and it’s currently one of its best decks. Able to end of power boards that lock your opponent into summoning wind monsters and a hefty number of negates. This deck is hard, its got a lot of combo lines that depend entirely on your starting hand. But if you think you have the brains and the will to throw sparrows and wagtails at your opponent lets begin.

Tri Brigade

Tri-Brigade is a series of monsters consisting of 3 types, Beast, Beast-Warrior, and Winged-Beast which will now be referred to as Tri type. When in the Graveyard Tri type monsters can banish themselves and other Tri-type monsters to special summon a link monster as long as it is of those same 3 monster types and the number of cards banished equals the link rating. For example, you banish 3 Tri-type monsters, you can now special summon a Link 3 Tri-type monster from your extra deck.


Lyrilusc is a series of level 1 Winged beast monsters who normally swarm the field to summon rank 1 XYZ monsters. While we will still be XYZ summoning to main focus is the swarming ability of these tiny birds. A lot of the Lyrilusc effects don’t name lyrilusc’s but specifically level 1 winged beasts, this is important for why these arcetypes and so powerful together.

The Synergy

These decks work together so well because of Tri-Brigade Nervall, a level 1 winged beast, can be searched by the Lyrilusc Recital Starling. This makes your Tri-Brigade Combos easy to start since your combo starter in Nervall is accessible every game.

The Deck

Lyrilusc cards

Main deck

Lyrilusc – Cobalt Sparrow (Searcher)

Lyrilusc – Sapphire Swallow (Extender)

Lyrilusc – Turquoise Warbler (Starter & Extender)

Lyrilusc – Celestial Wagtail (Searcher)

The ratios of these vary but 3 of each is a good start for and Lyralusc deck. Warbler is your starter, on your turn you special summon it and another Lyrilusc from your hand or Graveyard. The card you would normally summon like this is Cobalt Sparrow, who can then search any Winged beast. Wagtail searches for your Lyrilsuc spell when special summoned. Swallow is a good follow-up and search target for your sparrow.

Spells and traps

Lyrilusc – Bird Call (Starter/Searcher/Extender)

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The only spell you really run in this searcher/starter combo. Incredibly powerful to add any lyrilusc to your hand and special summon a different one. As you can see from the monsters above this is incredible.

Extra Deck

Lyrilusc – Ensemlue Robin (Interupter)

Lyrilusc – Assembled Nightingale (Interrupter)

Lyrilusc – Recital Starling (Searcher)

The most important extra deck monster is Starling, your searcher for Nervall and a key combo peice. Robin is a powerful interrupter, returning opponents’ cards to their hand and recovery when it is sent to the grave. Nightingale can attack directly multiple times. With 5 materials on nightingale you can attack 5 times for 1000 damage each.

Tri-Brigade cards

Main deck

Tri Brigade Fractal (Starter)

Tri Brigade Kit (Extender)

Tri Brigate Nerval (Searcher)

Tri Brigade Kerass (Extender)

As said before Nervall is key to this deck. Being searched from any two Lyriluscs, then when sent to the grave searches any other Tri-Brigade. Frackall gets your grave loaded up with Tri-Brigades, especially when used with Kitt who also sends a Tri-Brigade to the grave. Kerass is an odd one out but he can be summoned by discarded any Tri-type which can be useful in niche scenarios.

Spells and traps

Tri-Bridage Revolt (Interuption)

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Revolt is this decks secret weapon. You need to banish Tri-types to use the effects of your Tri-Brigade monsters, so you have a pretty full banished pile. Well, Revolt lets you summon all of those banish monsters back and then use them to immediately link summon. An incredible surprise on your opponent’s turn after they use all of their resources to dismantle your board only for you to flip up Revolt as summon a link 4.

Extra Deck

Tri-Brigade Shuraig (Interruption)

Tri-Brigade Bearbrumm (Searcher)

Tri-Brigade Ferrijit (Extender)

When summon Shuraig banishes an opponent’s card, this is powerful when he is summoned by Revolt to interrupt your opponent. Bearbrumm searches revolt when she leaves the field, need I say more. Ferrijit is an extender as she lets you get ant Tri-types onto the field from your hand.

Additional card

Not every card in this deck belongs to these archetypes, hand traps for example are a must, with Ash Blossom and Maxx C.

Simorgh the bird of Sovereignty is a powerful link 3 that protects any winged-beast card under its arrows from being targeted. During your end phase is also summons a winged beast from your deck, whose level is equal to the number of free spell and trap zones. And since you only want to have one filled up with Revolt that leaves you to summon a level 4. Specifically, Barrier stature of the Stormwinds is a card that locks your opponent into summoning only wind monsters, if they have none then they cannot play.

Number F0 Utopic Future Dragon is another powerful boss this deck can go into, usingF0 utopic future you can rank up into Utopic future Dragon. Future Dragon lets you negate a monster effect then take permanent control of that monster.

These are your boss monsters, aiming for these is the goal of your deck. Any other cards you add are up to you and depend on what you want in a deck.

Full Deck List

  • x3 Lyrilusc – Cobalt Sparrow (Searcher)
  • x3 Lyrilusc – Sapphire Swallow (Extender)
  • x3 Lyrilusc – Turquoise Warbler (Starter & Extender)
  • x3 Lyrilusc – Celestial Wagtail (Searcher)
  • x3 Lyrilusc – Bird Call (Starter/Searcher/Extender)
  • x3 Tri Brigate Nerval (Searcher)
  • Tri Brigade Kerass (Extender)
  • Tri Brigade Fractal (Starter
  • Tri Brigade Kit (Extender)
  • Tri-Bridage Revolt (Interuption)

Extra Deck

  • Tri-Brigade Shuraig (Interruption)
  • Tri-Brigade Bearbrumm (Searcher)
  • Tri-Brigade Ferrijit (Extender)
  • Lyrilusc – Ensemlue Robin (Interupter)
  • Lyrilusc – Assembled Nightingale (Interrupter)
  • Lyrilusc – Recital Starling (Searcher)

There is too much to cover in one article so hopefully, the basics will be useful as you learn more and more about your deck. This combo only requires two cards, this makes them much more reliable when it comes to playing the game.

Turquoise Warbler and Fraktall

With just these two you can end on a Utopic Future Dragon and the Simorgh Lock. Using Fraktall you can send a Cobolt Sparrow from deck and itself to the grave. Then using Warbler you can summon itself and the sparrow, with sparrow letting you add a Nervall to hand. Using Warbler and Sparrow you can make a Starling XYZ which searched for you Swallow. Swallow summons itself and Nervall to make another Starling. Nerval is detached from your starling to search for a Wagtail and Nerval searched for a Kitt. Those two Starlings can now be turned into Utopic Future and that into Utopic Future Dragon.

This is the start of a combo that just keeps ongoing. With enough Tri-Types in the grave to summon an extra deck monster and enough Xyz on feild to make Future Dragon it’s very clear why this is one of Master Duels’ best decks.

It’s hard to learn and explain Combos in text so here is a video by Sir Emanon explaining over 40 separate combos over a 2 hours long video.

The Price and the packs

Moonlit Avian dance is the secret pack that Lyrluscs are in along with the standard pack stalwart force. Cracking these open and getting what you need is useful but if you just want to craft the deck here is the amount of CP you will need for the basics of this deck.

N-CP : 450

R-CP : 120

SR-CP: 390

UR-CP: 210

As you can see this deck is very cheap when it comes to the main deck. Most of the cards are normal to rare with some being Super rare. The most expensive cards are in the Extra Deck, Starling is UR and you need two in order to really have a consistent deck. Simorgh and Shuraig are also UR, each of these is needed for the deck to be at full power.

Here we can see an example of a list with handtraps for extra interaction and searchers such as Fire Formation- Tenki for finding Fraktall.

image 18
I also cannot afford 8 URs

Are there any of the best decks you would like to learn how to play? Comment below and we will get started on breaking that deck down

Whilst that’s it for this, we’ve been covering a fair bit of Master Duel content, you can find it all here:

You can also read our official Yugioh Master Duel review here.

9 thoughts on “Yugioh Master Duel – Meta Deck Guide – Lyrilusc Tri-Brigade”

  1. Hdjdb

    Can we get a text list of the deck? The pictures are small.

    • Maya Hutchinson

      Yepp! On it now!

      • Bdhdh

        Any update?

        • Maya Hutchinson

          Yepp! Sorry for the delay, the deck list has been added now!


    I just built this deck and it works nicely!
    Great article

    • Connor Spencer

      Thank you! Hope you are having fun playing

  3. CykoGhost

    How do we already have a meta the game isn’t even a week old

    • Connor Spencer

      The banlist and card pool are very similar to the April 2021 OCG. The decks that were powerful than are still powerful now. Platinum rank is full of these decks and the occasional rouge deck like madolche

    • Wixxdee

      Because its based on thz card game?

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